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Grey Color Code

What color is Grey

Grey colors are displayed using an equal amount of power to all of the light sources

Grey #808080

Grey RGB Color Code

Grey RGB color code = #808080 = (128, 128, 128)

RED=128, GREEN=128, BLUE=128

#808080 hex color has the RGB values of (128, 128, 128)

Grey CMYK Color Code

Grey CMYK color code = #808080 = (0, 0, 0, 49.8)


#808080 hex color has the CMYK values of (0, 0, 0, 49.8)

Shades of Grey

 African Grey#939899
 Agate Grey#acaa99
 Aged Moustache Grey#7e7e7e
 Agreeable Grey#d1cbc1
 Aircraft Exterior Grey#939498
 Alaskan Grey#bcbebc
 Alienator Grey#9790a4
 Aloof Grey#c9c9c0
 Alpine Duck Grey#40464d
 Amazing Grey#beb5a9
 Amber Grey#d0a592
 Amethyst Grey#9085c4
 Analytical Grey#bfb6a7
 Anchor Grey#596062
 Anew Grey#beb6ab
 Angélique Grey#d8dee7
 Anthracite Grey#373f42
 Anti Rainbow Grey#bebdbc
 Antique Grey#69576d
 Aqua Grey#889fa5
 Aragonite Grey#948e96
 Architecture Grey#6b6a69
 Arctic Grey#bbccdd
 Ash Grey#c1b5a9
 Ashlin Grey#d2d9da
 Asphalt Grey#5e5e5d
 Astoria Grey#7e7565
 Astronomicon Grey#6b7c85
 Astroscopus Grey#afb4b6
 Athens Grey#dcdddd
 Attitude Grey#7c7d75
 Aubergine Grey#6e5861
 Aurora Grey#d3c5c4
 Austere Grey#bebfb2
 Autumn Grey#b2aba7
 Baby Talk Grey#bababa
 Barnwood Grey#9e9589
 Baroque Grey#5f5d64
 Bastion Grey#4d4a4a
 Battleship Grey#6f7476
 Bermuda Grey#6b8ba2
 Bird Blue Grey#7f92a0
 Black Grey#24272e
 Blackish Grey#5b5c61
 Bleached Grey#788878
 Blue Grey#758da3
 Bluish Grey#748b97
 Bokara Grey#2a2725
 Brainstem Grey#b5b5b5
 Brampton Grey#9ba29d
 Bridge Troll Grey#817f6e
 Bright Grey#ebecf0
 Briquette Grey#515051
 Brown Grey#8d8468
 Brownish Grey#86775f
 Burgundy Grey#dadba0
 Burlap Grey#81717e
 Bushland Grey#7f7b73
 Cadet Grey#91a3b0
 Canadian Voodoo Grey#b8b7a3
 Cannon Grey#646c64
 Castor Grey#676a64
 Casual Grey#a09d98
 Cathedral Grey#aba9a7
 Cautious Grey#dfd8d9
 Celestra Grey#99a7ab
 Celtic Grey#c5d4ce
 Cerebellum Grey#cccbcd
 Cerebral Grey#cccccc
 Ceremonial Grey#91998e
 Chain Gang Grey#708090
 Charcoal Grey#6e6969
 Chateau Grey#bbb1a8
 Chelsea Grey#b6b7b0
 Chic Grey#cfccc5
 Chinchilla Grey#7f746e
 Chupacabra Grey#cfcdcf
 Classic French Grey#888782
 Classic Grey#a39d93
 Cloak Grey#605e63
 Cloud Grey#b8a9af
 Cloudy Grey#ece3e1
 Club Grey#464159
 Cod Grey#2d3032
 Codex Grey#9c9c9c
 Cold Grey#9f9f9f
 Colonnade Grey#b2b1ad
 Comfort Grey#bec3bb
 Comforting Grey#c5c3b4
 Compact Disc Grey#cdcdcd
 Complex Grey#847975
 Connected Grey#898473
 Conservative Grey#d1d0c6
 Cool Grey#8c93ad
 Cotton Grey#d1ccc3
 Crystal Grey#cfc1b8
 Cumberland Grey#68655d
 Dapple Grey#959486
 Dark Grey#363737
 Dark Purple Grey#6e576b
 Dark Slate Grey#2f4f4f
 Davy’s Grey#535554
 Dawn Grey#6d7273
 Deco Grey#89978e
 Deep Sea Grey#879294
 Desert Grey#b8a487
 Destroyer Grey#98968d
 Dhūsar Grey#aaaaaa
 Diamond Grey#3e474b
 Dim Grey#696969
 Doeskin Grey#ccc3ba
 Dolphin Grey#9a9997
 Dominant Grey#5a5651
 Dorian Grey#aca79e
 Dove Grey#6d6c6c
 Dover Grey#848585
 Downtown Grey#adaaa2
 Dreamscape Grey#c6c5c5
 Duct Tape Grey#aeacac
 Dusty Grey#cdccd0
 Earl Grey#a6978a
 Elderberry Grey#aea8b0
 Elemental Grey#a0a09f
 Elephant Grey#95918c
 Ellie Grey#aaa9a4
 Empire State Grey#d9dbdf
 Escape Grey#abac9f
 Eshin Grey#4a4f52
 Essential Grey#bcb8b6
 Explosive Grey#c4c4c4
 Eye Grey#607b7b
 Faded Grey#eae8e4
 Fairfax Grey#c9d3d7
 Falcon Grey#898887
 Fallout Grey#889977
 Fantasy Grey#8591a2
 Far Away Grey#2d383a
 Fashion Grey#a29c94
 Fashionable Grey#bdb8b8
 Feather Grey#b8ad9e
 Feldspar Grey#bca885
 Fenrisian Grey#cedee7
 Fiftieth Shade of Grey#505050
 Flannel Grey#aeadac
 Flax Fibre Grey#b7a99a
 Flexible Grey#b1a3a1
 Flint Grey#a09c98
 Florida Grey#bea4a2
 Foggy Grey#a7a69d
 Folkstone Grey#626879
 Formal Grey#97969a
 Fortress Grey#b8b8b8
 French Grey#bfbdc1
 Friar Grey#807e79
 Frost Grey#7f7d7e
 Full Moon Grey#cfeae9
 Functional Grey#aba39a
 Fuscous Grey#54534d
 Gallery Grey#c5c2be
 Garrison Grey#7b8588
 Gateway Grey#a0a09c
 Gauntlet Grey#78736e
 Gazebo Grey#d1d0cb
 German Grey#53504e
 Gettysburg Grey#c7c1b7
 Ghost Grey#9c9b98
 Ghostly Grey#ccccd3
 Gibraltar Grey#6f6a68
 Gilneas Grey#6c8396
 Glacier Grey#bbbcbd
 Gladiator Grey#6e6c5e
 Glistening Grey#b1b3be
 Gluon Grey#1a1b1c
 Go To Grey#dcd8d7
 Going Grey#83807a
 Goose Wing Grey#a89dac
 Goshawk Grey#444444
 Gotham Grey#8a9192
 Graceful Grey#beb6ac
 Granite Grey#6b6869
 Grant Grey#918f8a
 Grape Grey#6d6166
 Greasy Grey#838583
 Great Coat Grey#7f8488
 Green Grey#7ea07a
 Greenish Grey#96ae8d
 Grim Grey#e3dcd6
 Grizzle Grey#636562
 Gropius Grey#63615d
 Guild Grey#d2d1cb
 Gull Grey#a4adb0
 Gunmetal Grey#808c8c
 Hailstorm Grey#bdbeb9
 Harbour Grey#a8c0bb
 Harbour Mist Grey#778071
 Harrison Grey#989b9e
 Hatoba-Nezumi Grey#9e8b8e
 Hatteras Grey#929e9d
 Hawk Grey#77757d
 Heath Grey#c9cbc2
 Heather Grey#9c9da4
 Heather Red Grey#988e94
 Heathered Grey#b6b095
 Heavy Blue Grey#9fabaf
 Heavy Grey#82868a
 Heavy Warm Grey#bdb3a7
 Heliotrope Grey#ab98a9
 Historical Grey#a7a699
 Hit Grey#a1adb5
 Holbein Blue Grey#547d86
 Homburg Grey#666d69
 Horizon Grey#9ca9aa
 House Stark Grey#4d495b
 Hūi Sè Grey#c1c6d3
 Hush Grey#e1ded8
 Hypothalamus Grey#415d66
 Ice Blue Grey#717787
 Ice Grey#cac7c4
 Imperial Grey#676a6a
 Industrial Grey#5b5a57
 Intellectual Grey#a8a093
 Intercoastal Grey#a8b5bc
 Intrepid Grey#e0e2e0
 Inverness Grey#dce3e2
 Iron Grey#7c7f7c
 Ironside Grey#706e66
 Jabłoński Grey#536871
 Jet Grey#9d9a9a
 Jubilee Grey#7c7379
 Judge Grey#5d5346
 Kamenozoki Grey#c6c2b6
 Keystone Grey#b6bbb2
 Kimono Grey#3d4c51
 Kingfisher Grey#7e969f
 Kiwikiwi Grey#909495
 Laid Back Grey#b3afa7
 Laurel Grey#aaaca2
 Lava Grey#5e686d
 Lavender Blossom Grey#8c8da1
 Lavender Grey#bdbbd7
 Lazy Grey#bec1c3
 Lead Grey#8a7963
 Legendary Grey#787976
 Letter Grey#8f8f8b
 Liberty Bell Grey#696b6d
 Liberty Grey#afbfc9
 Lich Grey#a9a694
 Light Blue Grey#b7c9e2
 Light French Grey#c9cfcc
 Light Grey#d8dcd6
 Lilac Grey#8d8b9a
 Linen Grey#466163
 Link Grey#7f7e72
 London Grey#666677
 Longbeard Grey#ceceaf
 Lost Soul Grey#929591
 Lucky Grey#777777
 Lupin Grey#d1e0e9
 Magnetic Grey#838789
 Marble Green-Grey#85928f
 Marine Grey#a5b2aa
 Matte Grey#b4a8a4
 Mecha Grey#8d847f
 Mechanicus Standard Grey#3d4b4d
 Medium Grey#7d7f7c
 Medium Gunship Grey#3f4952
 Metal Grey#677986
 Micaceous Light Grey#cdc7bd
 Mid Grey#5f5f6e
 Midnight Grey#666a6d
 Million Grey#999999
 Mindful Grey#bdb5ad
 Mineral Grey#b2b6ac
 Minimal Grey#948d99
 Mirage Grey#abafae
 Mist Grey#c4c4bc
 Modern Grey#d5cec2
 Mohair Soft Blue Grey#97b2b7
 Mole Grey#938f8a
 Monument Grey#7a807a
 Moor Oak Grey#6a584d
 Morning Mist Grey#ada7b9
 Morris Room Grey#ada193
 Mortar Grey#9e9f9e
 Moss Grey#afab97
 Moth Grey#dad3cb
 Mountain Grey#e8e3db
 Namara Grey#7b7c7d
 Narwhal Grey#080813
 Natural Grey#c4c0bb
 Natural Silk Grey#d3c5c0
 Naturalist Grey#8b8c83
 Neo Tokyo Grey#bec0c2
 Network Grey#a0a5a7
 Neutral Grey#8e918f
 Night Grey#45444d
 Night Gull Grey#615d5c
 Nightingale Grey#baaea3
 Noble Grey#c1beb9
 Nomad Grey#7e736f
 Non Skid Grey#8a8daa
 North Cape Grey#7a9595
 North Grey#6a7777
 Northern Light Grey#a7aeb4
 Odyssey Grey#4c4e5d
 Office Grey#635d54
 Olive Grey#afa78d
 Olivine Grey#928e7c
 Ombre Grey#848998
 Opal Grey#9a9394
 Orchid Grey#5e5871
 Orion Grey#535558
 Oslo Grey#878d91
 Overdue Grey#c7c3be
 Oyster Grey#cbc1ae
 Pale Blue Grey#a2adb1
 Pale Green Grey#96907e
 Pale Grey#fdfdfe
 Pandora Grey#e3d4cf
 Parma Grey#806e85
 Partridge Grey#919098
 Pastel Grey#cfcfc4
 Payne’s Grey#536878
 Pearl Grey#cbcec5
 Periwinkle Grey#c3cde6
 Petrel Blue Grey#a0aebc
 Pewter Grey#a7a19e
 Photo Grey#aead96
 Piccadilly Grey#625d5d
 Pied Wagtail Grey#bebdc2
 Pigeon Grey#c1b4a0
 Pinkish Grey#c8aca9
 Platinum Grey#6a6d6f
 Play on Grey#bab6a9
 Plover Grey#8f8373
 Plymouth Grey#b0b1ac
 Power Grey#a2a4a6
 Prince Grey#a0adac
 Proper Grey#ada8a5
 Pumice Grey#807375
 Puritan Grey#a8b0ae
 Purple Grey#866f85
 Purplish Grey#7a687f
 Pussywillow Grey#a2a193
 Putty Grey#bda89c
 Qiān Hūi Grey#89a0b0
 Quest Grey#ada5a5
 Quiet Grey#b9babd
 Quill Grey#cbc9c0
 Raffia Light Grey#cbd9d8
 Rainy Grey#a5a5a5
 Ramadi Grey#b7a9ac
 Rare Grey#a6a69b
 Raven Grey#6f747b
 Red Grey#99686a
 Reddish Grey#997570
 Regent Grey#798488
 Repose Grey#ccc9c0
 Requisite Grey#b9b2a9
 Reversed Grey#080808
 Royal Grey#698396
 Roycroft Mist Grey#c2bdb1
 Ruby Grey#73525c
 Ruggero Grey#484435
 Rushmore Grey#b7b2a6
 Russ Grey#547588
 Sabionando Grey#455859
 Sabiseiji Grey#898a74
 Sage Green Grey#69796a
 Sage Grey#9ea49d
 Sail Grey#cabaa4
 Salmon Grey#e3b6aa
 Sandstone Grey#857266
 Sandstone Red Grey#886e70
 Santas Grey#9fa0b1
 Saruk Grey#817265
 Saturn Grey#b8b19f
 Screed Grey#9a908a
 Sea Haze Grey#cbd9d4
 Seagull Grey#d9d9d2
 Seal Grey#8a9098
 Seaplane Grey#3a3f41
 Seared Grey#495157
 Sedate Grey#d1cdbf
 Sensuous Grey#837d7f
 Sephiroth Grey#8c92ac
 Serious Grey#cec9c7
 Seryi Grey#9ca9ad
 Shadow Grey#b09691
 Shady Grey#849292
 Shaker Grey#6c6556
 Shale Grey#899da3
 Sharp Grey#c9cad1
 Sheffield Grey#6b7680
 Ship Grey#3e3a44
 Shutter Grey#797f7d
 Shuttle Grey#61666b
 Sidewalk Grey#7b8f99
 Signal Grey#838684
 Silk Crepe Grey#354e4b
 Silver Grey#a8a8a4
 Silver Linden Grey#859382
 Sky Grey#b6c3c1
 Slaanesh Grey#dbd5e6
 Slate Grey#59656d
 Smoke Grey#cebaa8
 Sombre Grey#555470
 Space Grey#110022
 Space Wolves Grey#dae6ef
 Spacious Grey#877d75
 Spalding Grey#8d7f75
 Spanish Grey#989898
 Special Grey#7b787d
 Spinel Grey#6a5662
 Spring Grey#c5c6b3
 Steel Blue Grey#436175
 Steel Grey#43464b
 Steely Grey#90979b
 Steeple Grey#827e7c
 Still Grey#aba9a0
 Stingray Grey#b0aba3
 Stone Grey#9f9484
 Stonewall Grey#c1c1c1
 Storm Grey#717486
 Stormy Grey#7d7b7c
 Stormy Strait Grey#6b8ba4
 Sturgis Grey#57544d
 Su-Nezumi Grey#9fa0a0
 Suave Grey#d1d8dd
 Submarine Grey#4d585c
 Suede Grey#857f7a
 Supreme Grey#86949f
 Suva Grey#888387
 Suzu Grey#9ea1a3
 Swanky Grey#b5b1b5
 Tank Grey#848481
 Tankard Grey#7d7463
 Taupe Grey#8b8589
 Tempered Grey#a1aeb1
 Tern Grey#d5cdbd
 The Fang Grey#436174
 Thistle Grey#c0b6a8
 Thunder Grey#57534c
 Titanium Grey#545b62
 Titmouse Grey#b8b2be
 Toasty Grey#d1ccc0
 Tol Barad Grey#4e4851
 Tombstone Grey#cec5b6
 Touch of Grey#d1cfca
 Tower Grey#9caca5
 Traditional Grey#c7c7c1
 Trolley Grey#818181
 Tulle Grey#8d9098
 Turquoise Grey#b4cecf
 Tusi Grey#9996b3
 Twilight Grey#d1d6d6
 Ulthuan Grey#c7e0d9
 Ultimate Grey#a9a8a9
 Uncertain Grey#a9b0b1
 Uniform Green Grey#5f7b7e
 Uniform Grey#a8a8a8
 Unique Grey#cbc9c9
 Unusual Grey#a3a7a0
 Urban Grey#cacacc
 Vaporous Grey#d8d6ce
 Vehicle Body Grey#4c433d
 Velvet Green Grey#737866
 Velvet Grey#acaab3
 Viola Grey#8c6897
 Viola Ice Grey#c6c8d0
 Voysey Grey#9a937f
 Wafting Grey#cdbdba
 Waikawa Grey#5b6e91
 Warm Grey#978a84
 Warpfiend Grey#6b6a74
 Wells Grey#b9b5a4
 Westchester Grey#797978
 Whale Grey#59676b
 Whisper Grey#e9e5da
 Whitecap Grey#dbd0bc
 Whomp Grey#bec1cf
 Wildcat Grey#f5eec0
 Wilderness Grey#c2baa8
 Willow Grey#817b69
 Window Grey#989ea1
 Windsor Grey#626066
 Winsome Grey#e7e9e4
 Winter Could Grey#6e7a7c
 Wizard Grey#525e68
 Worldly Grey#cec6bf
 Yellowish Grey#edeeda
 Zinc Grey#655b55
 Zircon Grey#807473

See also