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The millimeters to centimeters converter

Enter the length in Millimeter below to get the value converted to Centimeter.

How to convert millimeters to centimeters

  • 1 Millimeter is equal to 0.1 centimeters

  • 1 Centimeter is equal to 10 millimeters

  • The distance d in centimeters (cm) is equal to the distance d in millimeters(mm) multiplied by 0.1, use the formula below:

    dcm = dmm * 0.1

  • Example: convert 20 millimeters to centimeters

    dcm = 20mm * 0.1 = 2cm

The millimeters to centimeters conversion table

0.01 mm0.001 cm
0.1 mm0.01 cm
1 mm0.1 cm
2 mm0.2 cm
3 mm0.3 cm
4 mm0.4 cm
5 mm0.5 cm
6 mm0.6 cm
7 mm0.7 cm
8 mm0.8 cm
9 mm0.9 cm
10 mm1 cm
20 mm2 cm
30 mm3 cm
40 mm4 cm
50 mm5 cm
60 mm6 cm
70 mm7 cm
80 mm8 cm
90 mm9 cm
100 mm10 cm


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