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Convert Case

Simply enter your text and choose the case you want to convert it to.

Title Case

A mixed-case style with all words capitalised, except for certain subsets (particularly articles and short prepositions and conjunctions) defined by rules that are not universally standardised. The standardisation is only at the level of house styles and individual style manuals.

Example: "The Quick Brown Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog"

Simply copy the text that you need generating into Title Case and paste the text into the box above and click the Title Case button.

Sentence case

The sentence case converter will allow you to paste any text you’d like, and it will automatically transform it to a fully formed structured sentence.

It works by capitalizing the very first letter in each sentence, and will then go on to transform the rest of the text into lowercase as well as converting i’s into I’s. Every letter after a full stop will get converted into an upper case letter.

Example: This is an example of sentence case.

Simply copy the text that you need generating into Title Case and paste the text into the box above and click the Sentence case button.

lower case

If you are wondering how to uncapitalize text, this is exactly what the lower case text converter will allow you to do - it transforms all the letters in your text into lowercase letters. Simply copy the text that you need generating into lower case and paste the text into the box above and click the lower case button.


The upper case transformer will take any text that you have and will generate all the letters into upper case ones. It will essentially make all lower case letters into CAPITALS (as well as keep upper case letters as upper case letters).

To do this, you simply have to select the text that you need changing and pasting into the box above and then click the UPPER CASE button.

Capitalized Case

The capitalized case converter will automatically convert the starting letter of every word into an upper case and will leave the remaining letters as lower case ones.

Simply copy the content that you will like to generate into this format, then paste into the box form above and then click the Capitalized Case button.

Alternating Case

The alternating case converter will allow you to transform your text (no matter the current format) into text that alternates between lower case and upper case. It will generate a capital letter and then a lower case letter within the same word.

Simply copy the content that you will like to generate into this format, then paste into the box form above and then click the AlTeRnAtInGcAsE button.

InVeRsE CaSe

The InVeRsE CaSe takes the string and changes all the lowercase letters to uppercase and vice versa.

Simply copy the content that you will like to generate into this format, then paste into the box form above and then click the InVeRsE CaSe button.


Transform into a string with the separator denoted by the next word capitalized.

Camel case(sometimes stylized as camelCase or CamelCase, also known as camel caps or more formally as medial capitals) is the practice of writing phrases without spaces or punctuation. The format indicates the separation of words with a single capitalized letter, and the first word starting with either case. Common examples include "eMail" and "myLove". It is also sometimes used in online usernames such as "donaldTrump", and to make multi-word domain names more legible, for example in promoting "".

Simply copy the content that you will like to generate into this format, then paste into the box form above and then click the camelCase button.

Transform into a lower case string with a period between words.

If you want to separate your words with dots instead of spaces you can use our tool to do that. The ready text will look like that:

Simply copy the content that you will like to generate into this format, then paste into the box form above and then click the button.


Transform into a dash separated string of capitalized words.

If you want to separate your words with dashs instead of spaces you can use our tool to do that. The ready text will look like that: I-Am-Conservative.

Simply copy the content that you will like to generate into this format, then paste into the box form above and then click the Header-Case button.


Transform into a string of capitalized words without separators.

Simply copy the content that you will like to generate into this format, then paste into the box form above and then click the PascalCase button.


Transform into a lower case string with underscores between words.

Snake case(stylized as snake_case) refers to the style of writing in which each space is replaced with an underscore (_) character, and the first letter of each word is written in lowercase. It is a commonly used naming convention in computing, for example for variable and subroutine names, and for filenames. One study has found that readers can recognize snake case values more quickly than camel case.

Simply copy the content that you will like to generate into this format, then paste into the box form above and then click the snake_case button.